Expanding my consciousness. Raising truly happy little humans.
Demystifying traditional education. And, of course, writing from the heart.

Hello, I’m Pao! I’m thrilled that you’re here.

It took me over thirty-five years to realize that I wasn’t truly happy. Driven by the inexplicable void I felt amidst a seemingly abundant and successful life, and by the daunting idea of not being able to teach my daughters to experience authentic and enduring happiness, I embarked on a profound journey to reclaim my neglected inner world and reconnect with my essential self.

Now that I’ve found MY place in this world, I share my journey, knowledge, and writing in the hope that other mothers awaken and learn to be, and nurture, truly happy souls.

I invite you to open your mind and your heart, to explore alternative ways of living life, and to deviate the conventional path to honor your own, and above all, that of your children.

I welcome you with open arms!

Soy escritora


Now I understand that the story of Mariposas started to unfold in my thirties. At that point, I had checked off many of the boxes I dreamed of achieving in life. I wholeheartedly believed I was happy. However, shortly after, I came to the realization that I had lost sight of my horizon, I failed to understand the meaning of true happiness and, therefore, it was impossible for me to teach my daughters to experience it. Without realizing it, I was leading my little ones towards the rat race from which my soul yearned to escape; I was raising them like another mold. But life is so perfect, that in the face of my stubbornness, made me face moments of great pain and gave me three teachers who showed me the path towards my AWAKENING. Since then, I have become an expert in practices and techniques aimed at becoming aware, transforming oneself and, especially, cultivating authentically happy souls.

Letters to my mariposas

Since September 2015, when I discovered I was pregnant for the first time, I’ve been penning letters for my daughters. In the beginning, these letters captured their daily lives and the world I dreamt for them. They soon evolved into reflections about demystifying traditional education, and the journey I took to foster genuinely happy little souls. I hope my words inspire my Mariposas and any other awakening mother to veer off the beaten path and honor their own journey.

What scientists and sages tell us!

This place is sacred. Here, gather the mothers who once lived in a hurry, burdened by overwhelming agendas, and soaring cortisol levels. We encounter those who, unwittingly, became slaves to status, bank accounts, homes, investments, titles, and diplomas.

Here, we confront our own arrogance to finally acknowledge that our children are our greatest teachers. As mothers, we reflect on the moment when we bought into the story of success and guided our little ones, with the best of intentions, into a hectic and draining journey. We, the ones who never grasped the true art of living and thus failed to cultivate genuinely happy souls, now learn. But above all, we sit down to write, to read each other’s stories, and to listen to each other.