The Education Revolution Starts Inside


With each passing day, there are more and more of us who believe that we can change the world through the opportunity that life has given us as mothers and fathers. I see them, I see us, convinced that we hold the key to a different future. These types of parents, think and perceive life in a way that for many seems abstract, philosophical, and theoretical.

These parents don’t care if you, our sons and daughters, stay seated at the table for more than fifteen minutes; if you behave as society expects you to; if you know how to read, add and subtract by the age of four; if you follow instructions without questioning a single syllable of what any adult says… as if we adults were worthy of such infinite trust!

These mothers and fathers, care about other things, Mariposas. We feel an internal impulse to cultivate souls, hearts, and minds.

We bend over backwards to inspire rather than educate, to create awareness rather than indoctrinate. We strive for you to excel in emotional intelligence. We do everything we can so that you become fair, compassionate, kind, resilient and loving human beings.

We want you to become people who are connected with the world that surrounds you, but above all, connected with yourselves.

And while this fills me with hope, every now and then, it makes me anxious. I would say that the hardest part of being parents is hitting that wall that allows us to finally come to terms with the fact that it is our responsibility, not yours, to re-educate ourselves.

We must unlearn, relearn and transform ourselves if we want to change the world and raise you in and for happiness.

To transform ourselves means to know ourselves, to open wounds, to look them in the eyes, to be conscious. It also means to keep in our hearts all the beautiful things that our family and society gave us and distance ourselves, however difficult it may be, from everything that doesn’t help us grow. To transform ourselves is to be ambitious, to strive for more, and to forget the “this is how I was raised and this is how I am”.

To transform ourselves is to recognize our responsibility as adults to liberate you. It is up to us to understand that we are the owners of our emotions. We are the ones responsible for accepting, controlling, and calming them in order to be co-regulators and guides in the path of the ones we love most in our lives.

Bonitas, the mothers, fathers and educators who are willing to go through this process are the ones who will revolutionize education and change the world.

For you and your possible future children, anything.

#RiseUpMariposas #RevolutionizeEducation #EducationRevolution #RevoluciónDeLaEducación #ReimagineEducation #Raisingworldchangers #ConsicousParenting #HealingParents #HealingJourney #InnerWork #CrecimientoEspiritual


Soy escritora

¡Hola, soy Pao!

Soy escritora, madre de tres Mariposas, y defensora de una revolución educativa. Me dedico a compartir mi camino, conocimiento y escritura para que otras madres despierten y aprendan a ser y cultivar almas realmente felices.

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Ahora entiendo que la historia de Mariposas empezó alrededor de mis treinta años. En ese momento, ya había marcado muchas de las casillas que soñé con alcanzar en la vida. Yo juraba que era feliz. Sin embargo, poco después, me di cuenta de que había perdido el horizonte, no entendía el significado de la felicidad genuina y, por tanto, me resultaba imposible enseñarles a mis hijas a experimentarla.