Since the moment I became a mother, there was something inside me that pushed me to do things differently. My gut was continuously telling me not to perpetuate learned or seen behaviors while raising you. Don’t get me wrong little ones, many of them were well meant; they just did not resonate with me or allowed me to enjoy my life with you.
I didn’t exactly know what it was that I needed to do differently; I was just a first-time mother following her instinct and reading every relevant resource to offer you a world full of possibilities to live a beautiful life.
After almost five years of learning, I am proud to say that what was burning inside me, has become -with a lot of effort and practice- our reality.
I have walked away from punishment as a way to educate you. I have chosen to use restorative practices to mend relationships and encourage true and long-lasting learning.
I have pushed you to express all emotions and taught you to value their role in our lives. I have been by your side, on your joyful moments and, without making any judgements, in those of distress.
I have accepted meltdowns as a natural part of your development, and thus, of my life. Since then, they don’t make me suffer; they demonstrate how much you have grown and learnt to manage your emotions.
I have also grasped how to establish healthy boundaries. I get upset sometimes; I am human. However, I am now able to handle my big emotions, talk to you with a firm and low voice, and try to slowly become your role model.
I have put myself in your shoes as often as possible and tried to see the world through your eyes. Since I started doing that, my expectations of you are reasonable and come from a place of compassion and empathy.
I have allowed you to explore the world even when my heart is panicking. I am now convinced that I rather be responsible for the breakage of a leg than the breakage of your spirit.
I have stood up even before my own family to defend these beliefs so that your childhood is the fertile land in which you will bloom as you desire.
True, the road we have taken is difficult. Not only because of the approach itself but because we have had to reeducate ourselves and replace many of the beliefs our societies passed on to us as normal.
Our passage through this bumpy road has been completely worthy. Natural, mindful, responsive parenting -or whatever it is called an approach that puts children at the center- has the power to transform ourselves, change us for the better, raise emotionally intelligent human beings, and of course, contribute to building a peaceful and better world.
Now, go fly my trio,
#RiseUpMariposas #RevolutionizeEducation #EducationRevolution #RevoluciónDeLaEducación #ReimagineEducation #Raisingworldchangers #ConsicousParenting #NormalizeGentleParenting #EducaciónConsciente #CrianzaConsciente